In this article we would see how to populate a Grid dynamically using PeopleCode. Here we use a Dynamic View
The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. We use the SQL object
as the main record of the Grid.
The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. We use the SQL object
to fetch some Voucher IDs and Vendor IDs from the database and populate the grid with these values.Local SQL &VCHRS_GRD_SQL; /* SQL object for fetching the vouchers and vendors*/ Local Rowset &VCHRS_GRD_RS; /*Rowset for accessing the Grid*/ &VCHRS_GRD_SQL = CreateSQL("SELECT V.VOUCHER_ID, V.VENDOR_ID FROM PS_VOUCHER V
WHERE V.BUSINESS_UNIT =:1 AND V.ACCOUNTING_DT > :2", &SGK_BU, &SGK_ACCTG_DT); /*creating the SQL statement*/ &VCHRS_GRD_RS = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SGK_VCHR_DVW); /*creating a rowset corresponding to the grid */ While &VCHRS_GRD_SQL.Fetch(&GRD_VOUCHER_ID, &GRD_VENDOR_ID) &VCHRS_GRD_RS(1).SGK_VCHR_DVW.VOUCHER_ID.Value = &GRD_VOUCHER_ID; /*assigning the voucher ID to the filed in the grid */ &VCHRS_GRD_RS(1).SGK_VCHR_DVW.VENDOR_ID.Value = &GRD_VENDOR_ID; /*assigning the Vendor ID to the filed in the grid */ &VCHRS_GRD_RS.InsertRow(0); /* inserting a new row at the beginning of the grid*/ End-While; &VCHRS_GRD_RS.DeleteRow(1); /* deleting the empty row left after all the insertions */ &VCHRS_GRD_SQL.Close(); /* closing the SQL object */